
We are fully equipped and experienced in performing all common elective veterinary surgical procedures and many other soft tissue and abdominal surgeries.

  • In addition to traditional open surgeries, we also offer minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures.
  • We are equipped with sophisticated patient monitoring and temperature regulation equipment, as well as ventilator respiratory support.

Helpful Q&As

What types of surgeries do you perform vs refer to specialists?

Among other procedures, our surgeons are experienced in Traditional and Laparoscopic spays, Neuters, Laparoscopic cryptorchid neuters, laparoscopic-assisted prophylactic gastropexies, Gastric and intestinal foreign body removals, Splenectomies, Cystotomies (bladder stone removal), soft tissue mass removals, Stenotic nares correction, eyelid mass removals, enucleations and cherry eye correction. We will refer complex, orthopedic, spinal and thoracic surgeries, as well as any surgery requiring intensive in-hospital post-operative care to a specialist at a referral centre.

What is the advantage of a Laparoscopic spay?

A laparoscopic spay involves the removal of only the ovaries under videoscopic guidance through 2 very small incisions. There are numerous benefits to this minimally invasive approach; the post-operative pain and recovery period are greatly reduced, and most pets are able to return to their full normal routine within 36 hours. The typical 7+ days of wearing a cone and staying on a leash are eliminated! Also, once the surgeon is experienced (Dr. Skinner was the first vet in Toronto to offer this procedure in 2008), the procedure can be performed on any size patient in a considerably shorter time, reducing the time the patient spends on anesthesia. Making only 2 very small incisions also considerably reduces the risk of infections, blood loss and other complications.

What do you do to manage my pet’s pain during and after surgery?

We take pain management very seriously at Shoreview Veterinary; for every patient undergoing any procedure, we develop a tailored and appropriate plan for their comfort. This starts with medications given before their procedure (sometimes before they even arrive at the clinic), continues throughout their time in our care and then at home during their recovery. We have a variety of options available to us that we can deliver through sophisticated means while with us, such as constant rate infusion syringe pumps of analgesics and regional anesthetic nerve blocks. For pet parents at home, we can offer a variety of oral liquid and chewable options as well as medications that can be absorbed through the skin in the form of patches and gels.